The Profit Requirement is only one of the Main Board eligibility tests and there are other eligibility tests available to sizeable and/ or new economy companies that may not meet the increased Profit Requirement under either Option 1 or Option 2 (e.g. the Alternative Requirements).
My thoughts: While the HKEX expect the Profit Requirement may eliminate 62% of future potential applications, Chinese Companies originally listed on the US exchanges which can meet the Alternative Requirements may still get listed in the HKEX.
大陸平時救市方法之一是減少IPO. 少咗外資投資,如果細公司上唔到,可以留返D資金俾美國上市嘅中資公司回歸. 如果連資金都要內循環,咁梗係留返俾啲原本已經喺美國上市嘅大陸科創公司啦.
The Profit Requirement is only one of the Main Board eligibility tests and there are other eligibility tests available to sizeable and/ or new economy companies that may not meet the increased Profit Requirement under either Option 1 or Option 2 (e.g. the Alternative Requirements).
My thoughts: While the HKEX expect the Profit Requirement may eliminate 62% of future potential applications, Chinese Companies originally listed on the US exchanges which can meet the Alternative Requirements may still get listed in the HKEX.