Professional Development
Resources Centre
E-seminar on-demand: How Do INEDs Discharge Their Duties?
Speaker: Sherman Yan, Managing Partner and Head of Litigation & Dispute Resolution of ONC Lawyers
We all know that the directors, as the governing body of a company, are jointly accountable in respect of the company's affairs. The INEDs are no exception to this general principle. However, it is also true that the INEDs are not involved in the day-to-day operations and may not be adequately informed of the company's affairs or activities. In many cases, their involvement or participation in the company’s management are limited to attending board meetings and make decisions there and then. The question then arises is that, if the board is found negligent, whether by way of an act or omission, will an "innocent" INED share the same extent of responsibility as the other executive directors? On a more positive note, what INEDs should do to help keeping the board on the right track and fixing the problems?
Seminar Outlines:
•Liabilities of INEDs
•Advice for INEDs to Protect Themselves
•Practical Cases Analysis with Underlying Principles
Date: it is on-demand. You may view it anytime at your convenience.
Duration: 2 hours Fee: $400
Language: Cantonese Level: Intermediate
CPD points for accountants and company secretaries: 2 CPD points (No event accreditation has been applied as participants may get CPD points of their professional institutes pursuant to the relevant CPD rules.)
CPD points for lawyers: 2 CPD points awarded by the Law Society.
Step 1
Please press the green 'Payment' button and make payment by credit card. You will get the password after payment.
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Step 2
Please enter your name to be printed on the attendance certificate before you start viewing. Please view the entire video (the duration of viewing and other information may be tracked).
After you finish viewing, please take the quiz immediately, so we could timestamp the finish time.
Step 3
Take the Quiz. In order to obtain the attendance certificate, you are required to answer 10 questions at the end of the course and have at least 7 questions answered correctly. If you pass the test, you will receive the attendance certificate by email within one month. If you fail, you may take Quiz B:
Step 4
Please fill in the evaluation form after completing the course.
Remark: You will receive two auto-generated emails immediately upon payment for an e-seminar. The "Thanks" email contains the password which will enable you to have access to the video and the course materials. If you do not receive that email, please e-mail to "info@cpdcentre.org" or whatsapp: (852) 9230 3525 to request for the password.